Enough of Betrayal - Message Preaching and the Word of God

'Rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Why, my son, you should enrapture you with a strange woman? '- Proverbs 5:18, 20.

The Bible does not consider sex a taboo subject. In Proverbs 5:18, 19 we read: "Show yourself blessed your water source and rejoice with the wife of your youth, a lovable hind and a charming mountain goat. Intoxicate you their own breasts all the time. What you extasies constantly with his love. "

The term "water source" refers to the source of sexual gratification. It is blessed in the sense that the feeling of romantic love and ecstasy between a couple is godsend. This intimacy, however, should be restricted only to marriage. So King Solomon of ancient Israel, one of the writers of Proverbs asks rhetorically: "My son, why you should enrapture you with a strange woman or embrace the bosom of a foreign woman?" - Proverbs 5:20.

On the wedding day, the man and woman solemnly promise to love each other and remain faithful. However, many marriages are ruined by adultery. In fact, after reviewing some 30 studies, one researcher found that '25% of wives and 44% of husbands had had extramarital affairs'. The apostle Paul said: "Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men. . . inherit the kingdom of God. "(1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) No doubt about it. Adultery is a grave sin in the eyes of God, and true worshipers must avoid marital infidelity. What will help us to 'keep honorable marriage and the marriage bed undefiled'? - Hebrews 13:4.

Beware of the treacherous heart

In degraded moral climate of today, many people "have eyes full of adultery and are unable to give up sin." (2 Peter 2:14) purposely seek loving relationships outside marriage. In some countries, many women entered the labor market, and the mixing of sexes has created fertile ground for the development of dating unsuitable jobs. Moreover, the chat rooms on the Internet make it easy that even the shyest person start close friendships via online. Many married people fall into these traps, without realizing what is happening to them.

 See how a Christian, whom we will call Mary, became involved in a situation that almost led him to commit sexual immorality. Her husband, who did not convert, showed very little affection for the family. Maria remembers when, some years ago, she met a co-worker of her husband. The man was very kind and, on a later occasion, even expressed interest in the religious beliefs of Mary. "He was so kind, so different from my husband," she says. Soon, Mary and this man is emotionally involved. "I have not committed adultery," she pondered, "and he is interested in the Bible. I tried to help him. "

Before his romantic involvement resulted in adultery, Maria came to himself. (Galatians 5:19-21, Ephesians 4:19) His conscience began to accuse her, and she corrected things. Maria's case illustrates the fact that "the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate." (Jeremiah 17:9) The Bible admonishes us: "More than anything else to be guarded, safeguard your heart." (Proverbs 4:23) How can we do this?

"The shrewd one goes into hiding '

 "Who thinks he stands, beware lest he fall," wrote the apostle Paul. (1 Corinthians 10:12) And Proverbs 22:3 says: "Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself." Instead of thinking confidently: 'Absolutely nothing will happen to me', you will be wise if anticipate situations that might lead to problems. For example, avoid becoming the sole confidant of someone of the opposite sex who is having a perplexing problems in marriage. (Proverbs 11:14)
Tell the person who is best to discuss marital problems with their spouse, or a mature Christian of the same sex who is interested in the success of her marriage, or with older counselors. (Titus 2:3, 4) The older counselors are exemplary in this regard.
In the workplace and elsewhere, avoid situations that encourage intimacy. For example, working overtime right next to someone of the opposite sex can lead to temptation. As a married, make it clear, through the way of speaking and behavior, you simply are not willing to have a loving relationship with another person.
As someone who fears God, you sure do not want to attract undue attention by flirting or dressing immodest. (1 Timothy 4:8, 6:11, 1 Peter 3:3, 4) Pictures of your spouse and your children exposed in their workplace will serve as a visual reminder to you and others, the importance you give to his family. Be determined never encourage - or even tolerate - any attempt at seduction by another person. - Job 31:1.

"See life with the wife you love"

Protecting the heart requires more than just avoid dangerous situations. A loving attraction for someone outside of marriage might indicate that the husband or wife are not aware of each other's needs. It may be that the wife is continually ignored, or the husband always criticized. Then, suddenly, someone else - at work, or even in the Christian congregation - seems to possess exactly the qualities that are lacking in the spouse. Soon comes an attachment, and the new relationship becomes almost irresistibly seductive. This subtle chain of events attests to the veracity of the biblical statement: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire." - James 1:14.

Instead of looking outside the marriage to satisfy their desires - affection, friendship or support at a difficult time of life - husbands and wives should strive to strengthen the loving bond with your spouse. So do not forget to spend time together and draw closer to each other more. Reflect on what caused them to fall in love.
Try to recover the tenderness you feel for the person he married. Think of the happy times they spent together. Pray to God about it. The psalmist David begged Jehovah: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, steadfast." (Psalm 51:10) Be determined to 'see life with the wife whom thou lovest all day that He has given you under the sun '. - Ecclesiastes 9:9.

To strengthen the marital bond, should not overlook the value of knowledge, wisdom and discernment. Proverbs 24:3, 4 says: "The house will be built by wisdom and discernment will be firmly established by. And by knowledge the rooms are filled interiors with all precious and pleasant things of value. "Among the precious things well present a happy home are qualities such as love, loyalty, fear of God and faith.
To acquire such qualities one must have knowledge of God. Couples must therefore be good students of the Bible. And what importance have wisdom and discernment? Solve problems well day-to-day demands wisdom, the ability to apply biblical knowledge. Who understands discerning the thoughts and feelings of the spouse. (Proverbs 20:5) "My son, pay attention to my wisdom, 'says Jehovah, through Solomon. "Incline your ear to my understanding." - Proverbs 5:1.

When there is "trouble"
No marriage is perfect. The Bible itself says that husbands and wives have 'tribulation in the flesh'. (1 Corinthians 7:28) Anxieties, disease, persecution and other factors may cause tension in the marriage. When problems arise, however, the spouses must loyally seek solutions together, seeking to please Jehovah.
What if marriage is under strain because of the way spouses treat each other?
The search for a solution requires effort. For example, perhaps the lack of kindness in word has crept into the marriage and now part of it. (Proverbs 12:18) As we saw in the previous article, this can have devastating effects. A Bible proverb says: "Better to live in a barren land, than with a contentious wife with shame." (Proverbs 21:19) If you're wife and their marriage is like this, ask yourself: 'Will my mood is making it difficult for my husband to be around me? 'The Bible says to husbands: "Keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them." (Colossians 3:19) If you're husband, ask yourself:' I am a heartless person, causing my wife is tempted to seek understanding anywhere else? 'Naturally, sexual immorality has no excuse. However, the fact that such a tragedy could happen is good reason to frankly discuss the problems.

Seek solace in a loving relationship outside marriage is not the solution to marital problems. What could cause such a relationship? A new and better marriage? Some may feel it is. 'After all, they argue,' that person has exactly the qualities I need in a spouse. ' But such reasoning is false because anyone willing to abandon their spouse - or that encourages you to leave your - demonstrates a serious lack of respect for the sanctity of marriage. It is unreasonable to expect that this relationship will result in a better marriage.

Maria mentioned before, he thought seriously of the consequences of his conduct, including whether it or else lose the favor of God. (Galatians 6:7) "When I started to examine my feelings for co-worker of my husband," she says, "I realized that if there was the possibility that this man come to gain knowledge of the truth, I would be a hindrance in this regard. The transgression would negatively affect everyone involved and make others stumble. " - 2 Corinthians 6:3.
The strongest incentive

The Bible warns: "The lips of a strange woman are dripping like honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But the after effect of it is as bitter as wormwood, is as sharp as a double-edged sword. "(Proverbs 5:3, 4) The effects of moral impurity are painful and can be deadly. These include a guilty conscience, sexually transmitted diseases and emotional ruin the person's spouse unfaithful. These are certainly good reasons not to embark on a path that can lead to marital infidelity.

The main reason for marital infidelity is wrong is that God, Creator and Giver of marriage sexual ability, condemns. Through the prophet Malachi, He says, "I'll get me for trial and you'll make me swift witness against them. . . adulterers. "(Malachi 3:5) Regarding what God sees, Proverbs 5:21 says:" The ways of man are before the eyes of God and he covers all his tracks. "Yes," all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting. " (Hebrews 4:13) Therefore, the stronger incentive to be faithful in marriage is knowing that, no matter how secret infidelity may be, or how insignificant they may seem their physical and social consequences, any act of sexual impurity affect our relationship with God.

The example of Joseph, son of the patriarch Jacob, shows that the desire to preserve peace with God is a powerful incentive. Having won the favor of Potiphar, an officer of the court of Pharaoh, Joseph came to occupy a privileged position in Potiphar's house. Moreover, it was 'beautiful in form and appearance', which did not fail to be noticed by Potiphar's wife. Every day, she tried to seduce him, but in vain. What made Joseph resisted the harassment? The Bible says: "He refused and said to his master's wife, Behold, my master. . . not me he has withheld nothing, save of thee, because thou art his wife. So how could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God? '"- Genesis 39:1-12.

Joseph, who was unmarried, kept the moral purity by not accepting to get involved with the wife of another man. "Drink water from your own cistern," says Proverbs 5:15 to married men, "and fillets of water in the middle of your own well." Avoid creating even inadvertently, romantic involvements outside marriage. Strive to strengthen the bond of love in your marriage, and do everything possible to resolve any marital problem that may arise. Above all, "Rejoice with the wife of thy youth." - Proverbs 5:18.

What have you learned?

• As a Christian, even if inadvertent, could fall into the trap of a loving relationship?
• What precautions can help the person does not create a relationship outside of marriage?
• What to do when the couple faces marital problems?
• What is the strongest incentive to be faithful in marriage?
[Study Questions]
1, 2. Why can we say that romantic love between husband and wife is blessed?
 3rd. (A) What is the sad reality of many marriages? (B) How God sees adultery?
 4th. What are some ways in which a married Christian can unwittingly become involved in a romantic relationship outside of marriage?
5, 6. As Christian right was ensnared in a dangerous situation, and what we learn from this?
 7th. Biblical advice that will serve as a protection to help someone who has marital problems?
 Eight. What care is essential in the workplace?
 9th. That chain of events can become seductive new romantic relationship?
10. As husband and wife can strengthen your relationship?
11. What role knowledge, discernment and wisdom in strengthening the marital bond?
12. Why is it any wonder that married into trouble?
13. In what ways can a husband and wife consider themselves?
14, 15. Why seek solutions outside of marriage does not solve marital problems?
16. What are some of the effects of moral impurity?
17. What is the strongest reason to be faithful in marriage?
18, 19. What we learned from the experience of Joseph with Potiphar's wife?
